Double Bounce Rule in Pickleball | Two Bounce Rule

Pickleball is a racquet sport that incorporates aspects of badminton, tennis, and table tennis. It is played on a smaller court with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes. One of the unique rules in pickleball is the double bounce rule, which is essential to understand for anyone who wants to play the game.

In this article, we will discuss the double bounce or two bounce rule in pickleball in detail. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, this article will help you master the double bounce rule and improve your game.

What is the Double Bounce Rule in Pickleball?

The double bounce rule in pickleball requires that both teams must let the ball bounce twice on the court before hitting it. That means the serving team must allow the return team to hit the ball after the second bounce before they can return it. Similarly, the return team must let the serve bounce once before returning it and then let the ball bounce again before the serving team can hit it.

When Does the Double Bounce Rule Apply in Pickleball?

The double bounce rule applies to the first shot of every pickleball point. That means it comes into effect after the serve, and it remains in effect until the ball is returned by either team. Once the ball is returned, the double bounce rule no longer applies, and both teams can hit the ball after one bounce.

Why is the Double Bounce Rule Important in Pickleball?

The double bounce rule is essential in pickleball because it helps level the playing field and makes the game more inclusive. It gives the return team a chance to reach the ball and return it even if they are not fast or agile. The rule also encourages strategic gameplay and rewards players who can anticipate the ball’s trajectory.

Double Bounce Rule in Pickleball

Exceptions to the Double Bounce Rule in Pickleball

While the double bounce rule is a fundamental part of pickleball, there are some exceptions to it. For example:

  • If the ball hits the net on the serve and lands in the proper service court, it is called a “let serve.” In this case, the double bounce rule does not apply, and the game continues as usual.
  • If the ball is hit out of bounds before it bounces twice, the double bounce rule is not in effect, and the opposing team gets a point.

Tips to Improve Your Game with the Double Bounce Rule

Here are some tips to help you improve your game with the double bounce rule:

  • Anticipate the ball’s trajectory: To take advantage of the double bounce rule, you must anticipate where the ball will land. Pay attention to your opponent’s positioning, and adjust your positioning accordingly to get into the best possible position to return the ball after the second bounce.
  • Communicate with your partner: Communication is crucial in pickleball, especially when it comes to the double bounce rule. Work with your partner to develop a strategy for returning the ball after the second bounce. Decide who will take the shot, and where each player should be positioned on the court.
  • Practice your footwork: Footwork is essential in pickleball, particularly when it comes to the double bounce rule. Practice moving quickly and efficiently around the court, so you can get into position to return the ball after the second bounce.
  • Use a lob shot: A lob shot can be an effective way to return the ball after the second bounce, especially if your opponent is too far back on the court to make a strong return. Practice your lob shot to make it more accurate and consistent.
  • Watch your opponent’s body language: Your opponent’s body language can give you clues about where the ball will go. Watch their movements carefully, and adjust your positioning and strategy accordingly.
  • Stay calm under pressure: The double bounce rule can be stressful, particularly if you’re in a close game. Try to stay calm and focused, and remember to breathe deeply and take your time before each shot.


In conclusion, the double bounce rule is a crucial element of pickleball that makes the game more inclusive and strategic. It requires both teams to let the ball bounce twice before hitting it, giving players of all levels a chance to participate and excel. By understanding the double bounce rule and practicing your skills, you can improve your game and enjoy this exciting sport to the fullest.


What happens if the ball hits the net after the second bounce?

If the ball hits the net after the second bounce, the ball is considered in play. The double bounce rule is still in effect, and the opposing team must return the ball after the second bounce.

Can you hit the ball after the second bounce if it’s going out of bounds? 

Yes, you can hit the ball after the second bounce even if it’s going out of bounds. However, it’s generally not a good idea to do so, as it will likely result in a weak return that your opponent can easily capitalize on.

Does the double bounce rule apply to serves only?

No, the double bounce rule applies to the first shot of every pickleball point, including the serve.

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