5 Most Common Pickleball Injuries | Explained

Pickleball has become more prevalent in recent years, not only among seniors but also among younger people.

With its fast-paced action, simple rules, and limited equipment requirements, it’s no wonder the sport has caught on in many communities across the country. Unfortunately, even a sport as seemingly innocent as pickleball can cause injuries if the proper safety precautions aren’t considered beforehand.

To minimize your risk of pickleball injury, keep reading to learn about the most common pickleball injuries and how you can avoid them altogether or minimize their impact if you sustain an injury.

Check out 6 Best Pickleball Paddles for Tennis Elbow.

List of 5 common pickleball injuries

Here is a list of 5 common pickleball injuries

1-Wrist injury

The most common pickleball injury is a wrist injury.

Wrist injury in pickleball

It’s essential to understand how these injuries occur so you can prevent them from happening in the first place.

Wrist injuries usually happen because of improper form or a lack of warm-up before playing pickleball. When this happens, your forearm muscles are overworked to stabilize your hand and wrist.

It puts pressure on the ulnar nerve that passes through your arm, running through your wrist.

When it becomes irritated, it causes pain that spreads up into your fingers and down into your elbow. .

2-Shoulder Injuries

While many injuries are associated with the knees, ankles, or elbows, others are more serious, like shoulder injuries.

shoulder injuries
Shoulder Injury in Pickleball

The most common type of shoulder injury for pickleball players is a rotator cuff injury. It occurs when the ball hits the player’s arm and causes it to twist unnaturally.

You can treat it by resting or taking anti-inflammatory medications.

The second most common pickleball shoulder injury is an elbow contusion. It happens when a player’s arm gets hit on the outside of their elbow, causing pain both in the front and back of the joint and difficulty bending or straightening the arm.

Treatment includes ice packs, rest, and pain medication if necessary.

3-Elbow Injuries

One of the most common injuries in pickleball is an elbow injury, typically the lateral (or outside) epicondylitis type, meaning that the area near your elbow becomes inflamed.

elbow injury
elbow injuries

Medial elbow pain is often caused by overuse or by using poor technique.

It’s important to stop playing if you experience any pain so that you can heal before you play again.

4-Knee Injuries

Knee injuries are the most common type of pickleball injury.

Knee injury
Knee injury

To avoid knee injuries, make sure you squat down as low as you can before running. This will reduce the impact on your knees when you jump or lunge for a ball.

It is also essential to wear proper footwear with good traction and stability.

You should also warm up thoroughly before playing pickleball, stretch out tight muscles, take breaks between games, and avoid lateral movement on hard surfaces like concrete or asphalt when possible.

Proper footwear is essential because it supports your feet from every angle, preventing stress and strain on joints.

Remember to protect yourself at all times by wearing pads for extra protection.

5-Achilles Tendon Injuries

Achilles tendon injuries are the most common type of injury in pickleball. You have a strong band of tissue that connects your heel bone to your calves called, the Achilles tendon.

Achilles Tendon Injuries
Achilles Tendon Injuries

This injury can be caused by running on hard surfaces, not wearing proper footwear, or overuse from playing too much pickleball. It’s essential to stretch your calves often when you play and also wear shoes with good arch support.

Tips on how to prevent Pickleball Injuries?

You can take a few steps to reduce your chances of becoming injured while playing pickleball. In this blog post, You will explore the best ways to prevent pickleball injuries.

Tips on how to prevent Pickleball Injuries
Tips on how to prevent Pickleball Injuries

1-Use the right equipment

Having the right equipment when playing pickleball can help reduce your risk of pickleball injuries.

Paddles come in various sizes and materials, so make sure to choose one that is comfortable and suits your playing style. A well-constructed paddle will provide adequate support, cushioning, and spin control while playing.

It is also important to note that using the wrong paddle can increase strain on your wrists and arms, resulting in pickleball injuries. By choosing the right paddle, you can focus more on your game and less on your body’s aches and pains.

2-Warm up before playing

It’s essential to warm up before engaging in any sport, and pickleball is no exception.

Taking the time to stretch and engage in light aerobic exercises can help reduce the risk of pickleball injuries. Taking a few minutes to stretch your major muscle groups and do some light jogging can help get your muscles ready for the physical demands of pickleball.

Doing a few arm circles and light shoulder rolls can also help warm your shoulders and arms before playing pickleball.

Warming up will help you perform better on the court and reduce your risk of Pickleball injuries.

3-Play on a safe court

Playing pickleball on a safe court is essential to preventing injuries while playing the game.

It’s best to play the game on a specialized court designed to absorb impact and reduce the risk of injuries. Look for a court that has a non-slip surface.

Proper lighting is also essential, as it will help players see better and react faster. With these safety precautions in place, you’ll be able to enjoy your pickleball games without worrying about getting injured.

4-Use proper technique

Playing pickleball can be a fun and enjoyable sport, but it can lead to injuries if you don’t use the proper technique. Fortunately, you can take steps to prevent injuries while playing pickleball.
First, always warm up before playing.

Second, focus on proper technique when playing pickleball. Poor technique can strain your body and increase your chances of getting injured.

Make sure to use your legs and body to generate power for your shots instead of relying solely on your arms. Also, focus on using your core muscles to increase control and accuracy.

Third, wear the proper protective gear. Shoes should provide reasonable support and cushioning to protect your feet and ankles, while knee pads and wrist guards can help reduce the risk of injury to those areas.

Finally, make sure you get plenty of rest between matches. Not only will this allow your body time to recover and avoid overuse injuries, but it will also give you a chance to improve your technique.

5-Don’t play when tired or in pain

The best way to avoid injuries while playing pickleball is to not play when you’re tired or in pain. If you are feeling exhausted, take a break and rest before continuing with the game.

We assume. Following these tips will help you stay safe and injury-free while playing pickleball.

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